Join us on the Road to a Multiparty California
The two-party system
has broken our state’s politics.
We need more choices, better choices, and a democracy that works for everyone.
The Solution:
Proportional Representation
Support for major electoral reform is quickly growing in the United States. Our toxic, zero-sum politics has fueled an emerging movement for multiparty democracy through proportional representation (PR). Used by 83% of the world’s advanced democracies, PR is an electoral system that represents diversity better, encourages cross-party coalition building, and results in policies that work for the many, not the few.

About Us
Launched in 2023, ProRep Coalition is a nonprofit with a mission to enable multiparty democracy in California through education and coalition-building for Proportional Representation. ProRep brings together Californians who believe a better democracy is possible — one in which all voices are heard. Made up of political parties, activists, academics, and non-profit organizations, we're a grassroots movement fighting for meaningful electoral reform.
Together, we will bridge the gap between the public demand for change and real action, because California deserves a 21st-century democratic system capable of addressing 21st-century challenges.